Called To Serve

Ecuador Guayaquil North Mission. August 2014 ~ August 2016

Thursday, September 11, 2014


Same Old Same Old
Every day is the same exact thing. I'm actually starting to go a bit insane. Also me and my district are starting to have a little bit of tension. We've just been cooped up in the same place for too long now. 

We're about to lose the two districts who got here one week before us in our zone. That'll be sad because we've grown pretty close to some of those missionaries. They're pretty much all off to different places in Mexico. Then on the Wednesday before we leave we'll get two new districtsOther than nothing really special has been happening.

I had a dream of where the whole district was going to visa wait (we're still not sure if we are yet, but we haven't heard anything good so I'm preparing myself). The dream said I am going to New York, Taylor is going to Massachusetts, Palmer is going to Georgia, Hatefi is going to Florida, and Norris is going to Irvine mission. These might not make sense, just what my dream said.

Here's a fun story: Elder Palmer has trouble with not saying the H's in Spanish. He can't get used to the silent H, so every time he says a word with the H sound Hermano Griffen makes him eat a piece of paper. This past week he had to eat a piece of paper and then like half an hour later we went to teach our investigator/teacher. In the middle of the lesson Elder Palmer starting choking and ran to the bathroom and threw up the paper. 

Here at the MTC you have to be creative with your fun. Last night Elder Norris came up with a game. Normally it would be really lame, but since it's a way to get away from the routine it's pretty fun. It involves a stress ball, the wall, and kicking. Pretty much the game is baseball with your feet. I've only lost once and I've won 8 times.

That's all for now, I am so ready to be out in the field.

Elder Roberts

Tie Trade Day:

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